Long Island Air Force Association

As a sponsor of the DOD Vietnam 50th Anniversary Commemoration Program, we are proud to announce our new initiative to recognize veterans who participated in the Vietnam War. During the ceremony veterans will receive the Commemorative Medal, Ceremonial Certificate and a Congressional Proclamation. To be eligible for the medal, veterans must show proof of their Vietnam Service (Form DD 214) or equivalent. AWARDED TO LONG ISLAND VIETNAM VETERANS (not awarded posthumously).

Visit our Facebook page for ceremony highlights
Vietnam 50th Anniversary
Commemorative Medal Program

"Dropping of the Roses" Pearl Harbor Ceremony
For 26 consecutive years the Long Island Chapter of the Air Force Association has conducted the Pearl Harbor "Dropping of the Roses" Memorial Ceremony at the American Airpower Museum in Farmingdale, NY on December 7th each year. More than 500 spectators attend this patriotic and emotional ceremony. Click on the links to learn more.....

Women's Military Service Medal Program
We invite all female veterans of any branch as well as active-duty, Guard and Reserves to apply. Must live in Nassau, Suffolk, Brooklyn, Queens or Staten Island and be able to attend the ceremony. Proof of service is required; not awarded posthumously.